Many parents ask, “Do I have to let my baby cry-it-out?"

"Do I have to stop breastfeeding to sleep coach my child?"

"Can I continue to room share?"

gentle sleep coaching

It is true that the Cry it out method and extinction methods can work well and a bit faster than gentler methods IF you as the parent can follow through consistently and for long enough.

The worry is, at what cost. With my support and guidance, I can help you make positive changes to your child's sleep in a responsive way, which promotes bonding, attachment and positive infant mental health.


Can you guarantee “no crying” you might ask?

The honest answer is no, I can't. Crying is a form of communication and can often occur when making changes to sleep. But, I strive to limit crying by encouraging a responsive approach from parents/caregivers


Answers to a few other commonly asked questions:

Breastfeeding is encouraged and supported. It is never necessary to end breastfeeding when making changes to your child's sleep.

You can continue to room share while sleep coaching.

I work with parents of children from birth to 6 years old.

For babies under 6 months I will educate parents  on how to lay healthy sleep foundations from the start.